Pine Straw is a very popular choice among homeowners because of how easy it is to use. It is far less expensive, as far as single bags go than mulch. Pine Straw is also incredibly easy to use. It is easy to spread in your flower beds and can be easily rearranged after you have finished spreading the pine straw. Using Pine Straw requires little effort and practically no advanced knowledge of gardening.
We specialize in residential delivery and installation!
At Garcia Pine Straw & Lawncare we strive to ensure that the pine straw we offer is the best available. Your complete satisfaction is our goal!
Our services include:
- Free delivery to your location *
- Installation
- Blowing the area clean
- Tucking/ Rolling edges
- Much More !!!
*minimum order required for free delivery please call 334-790-3380 or Email Us for details.
We welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver the best service in the industry.
Contact us today to schedule your delivery or installation! Call Now 334-790-3380